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The Dress Code is under continuous review and is subject to minor changes during the year. Anything not specifically covered in the dress code that is disruptive to the educational process or presents a safety hazard will be left to the discretion of the school administration or designee. The school administration or designee decides the appropriateness of any clothing/hairstyle in question. Any exceptions to this policy must have handwritten approval from the school administration.

  • OVERSIZED CLOTHING SHALL NOT BE WORN.  SAGGING OF PANTS IS NOT ALLOWED.  Pants must be worn at the natural waistline.  Belts must be worn with pants that are loose-fitting. We want to ensure that students can safely participate in PE and recess activities.

  • SKIRTS AND SHORTS MUST BE OF APPROPRIATE LENGTH.  Skirts and shorts should be no shorter than your fingertips when you are standing straight with arms by your side.  These should be worn when appropriate for the weather. It is advisable that shorts be worn under skirts/dresses for PE/playground activities.

  • SAFE FOOTWEAR MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES.  NO sandals, high-heeled shoes, flip-flops, soft-soled slippers, open-toed shoes, backless shoes, steel-toed shoes, or shoes with wheels. They are a hazard and unsafe footwear for PE and playground activities. 

  • CLOTHING that contains symbols or accessories that contain gestures, pictures, or wording that are profane or obscene and/or refer to violence, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, the occult, or gangs are not permitted.  Clothing that promotes hate or intolerance is not permitted.

  • HATS: Hats may be worn outside for sun and weather protection. Baseball caps must be worn facing forward only and may not be worn backward or sideways. Hats in the classroom are by determination of the teacher. 

  • CLOTHING MUST BE MODEST IN APPEARANCE.  Clothing that is too tight, too revealing, or too loose to reveal the body should not be worn.  Undergarments may not show.  Bare midriff, open back, off-the-shoulder, see-through shirts, tube tops, spaghetti straps, oversized tank tops, strapless tops, or swimwear are not allowed. 

  • SUNGLASSES may not be worn inside the building.

  • OTHER Body art must not be visible. Tattoos must be completely covered.  Body piercing of the nose, lip, eyebrow, cheek, or tongue is not permitted or other areas of the body during physical education and instruction because it may be a safety hazard and may cause a distraction.

  • JEWELRY that may be considered a safety hazard or used as a weapon is not permitted.